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Jan 19, 2024
A 2023 Ford Bronco off-roading with headlights on

Image via Tri-County Ford.

The condition of your headlights is critical for safe driving. That’s why it’s important to know when you need to head to the Ford dealer for new headlights.

Dimming Lights

Over time, headlights can begin to dim. This occurs as the bulbs get older. If your Ford’s headlights are not as bright as they used to be, it’s probably time to replace them.

Flickering Lights

Headlights that flicker on and off are unreliable and may be dangerous. Flickering can be caused by loose connections, dying bulbs, or other electrical problems. Consistent flickering is a clear sign that your headlights need to be inspected.

One Headlight is Out

If one of your headlights is out, it’s obvious you need to replace it. Driving with one headlight reduces your visibility and is also illegal. For best results, replace both of your headlights at the same time.

Uneven Lighting

If both of your headlights work, but they seem to be producing different amounts or even colors of light, you should have them checked. Aging bulbs can often dim and even turn yellow before they burn out.

Yellowed, Cloudy Lenses

Over time, the plastic cover protecting your headlight bulb can become yellow or cloudy. This is caused by exposure to strong sunlight and harsh weather, and it reduces how much light your headlights can produce.

Visible Damage

Are there cracks or chips in your headlight cover? Is there water inside the lens? These are signs of physical damage, possibly caused by weather, age, or accidents. Damaged headlight covers can reduce their light output, and may cause further damage to your car.

Warning Lights

Modern Fords are equipped with dashboard indicators that alert you when your vehicle is having trouble, including problems with your headlights. If a headlight warning appears on your dashboard, check on your headlights right away.

Frequently Replacing Bulbs

Headlight bulbs do burn out, but it’s not normal to be replacing them multiple times a year. If you find yourself replacing burned-out headlights over and over, it could point to a larger electrical problem with your car.

Trouble Driving at Night

If you find you’re having more difficulty driving at night, your headlights could be to blame. You may not notice signs like dimming or misaligned headlights right away, so if it seems harder to see where you’re going for any reason, get your headlights inspected.

Visit Your Ford Dealer for New Headlights

Dimming, flickering, discoloration and damage are all signs your headlights might need to be replaced. If they do, there’s no better place to go for help than your local dealership.

Pay attention to any changes in your headlights’ performance to help keep your Ford safe on the road. Call Tri-County Ford today to schedule an inspection for your headlights.